I seriously have felt miserable for 5+ weeks now. I'm almost to the end of my first trimester and I really hope the nausea passes. Unfortunately, it didn't with my other 2 pregnancies, but here's hoping. I have lots of projects I should be working on, but who feels like being crafty when you're sick?
Anyway, this week I will be teaching the Relief Society lesson based on Elder Oaks' talk "Testimony" from the April 2008 General Conference. I made up 10 different real-life scenarios where the sisters can share what they'd say to others about different topics relating to the gospel, such as: keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, Joseph Smith, the Word of Wisdom, the Atonement, the Proclamation on the Family, Happiness & Gratitude, Tithing, Modern-Day Prophets & Revelation, Temples & Eternal Families, and Faith & Prayer. I'm also going to challenge them to write their personal testimonies in their journals. To follow my own advice I want to record my own personal testimony here.
I know that Heavenly Father lives. I know that I am His child, He loves me, and has a plan for me. I know if I am faithful and obedient I can return to live with him someday.
I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and has atoned for my sins. I stand in awe of this, that He would love me enough that he would suffer and die for all of the horrible things I've done and will do in my life. I am humbled by this and want to do better each day. I know He is the only way I can return to live with my Heavenly Father someday.
I know that I have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know if I am worthy His spirit can be my constant companion to guide me and protect me.
I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and restored the fullness of the gospel to the earth.
I know that President Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet of God today.
I know families can be together for eternity. I know that the Temples are the houses of the Lord where the sacred ordinances are performed for that.
I know my life has purpose, and I have a mission to accomplish. I know I am only one person, and I am far from perfect, but I can do my part in building the Kingdom of God on the earth.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.